Monty Python's Spamalot

book by Eric Idle; music by Eric Idle and John Du Prez

This production was developed at

Maine State Music Theater with the Fulton Opera House


Spamalot was a lot of fun to design, where else do you have the fun of working with the knights of the roundtable, Camelot showgirls, the Lady of the Lake, and the Knights of Ni?


This production was not a let down. Every night not only make the audience laugh but also the entire production team. My role of the Sound designer was to help bring the humor out and as always help tell the story.  

In the quest for homor there are many things I was able to do. offstage sword fights, introducing the Very Expensive Forest with a cash register, cause a man to fly backwards through the air with an arrow shot, expose a man eating rabbit with the Holy Hand Granade, and trows cows on stage at an actor (in this case our Artistic Director)

Here's some samples of the fun effects from the show


Because of how this show is written we chose to do serveral recordings to allow for more time for the quick transititions between characters.

One is the monk's chorus before I'M NOT DEAD YET